Sunday, September 20, 2009

How to Increase your laptop battery life??? The easy way...

I had this battery in my laptop and it was a 4-cell battery and it used to last a total of 2 hours while I was doing my regular stuff. Knowingly or Unknowingly, I did something good that made my laptop battery to give out that required extra life. It worked out for 3 years in a row and it still is going good with an estimated 1 and 1/2 hour of output. Here are some cool tips that might have helped me gain that extra life:::

* Let your laptop stay in a cooler place.

It's not like you work in a coal mine or as a steam engine driver but still don't let your laptop get heated up by keeping it in an hot area.

* Remove the battery when on power supply.

This is crucial if you want to increase the overall working life period of your laptop battery. Whenever you are on the external power supply, you definitely don't need the laptop battery to power up your work and hence you can just take out your battery and keep it in some warm place. This greatly extends the overall lifetime of your battery.

* When replacing batteries buy from OEM.

By OEM I mean, the original equipment manufacturer. Whenever you are buying new battery or replacing your older battery, please, please and please buy the stuff from the original sellers not from a douche store. Shell out those extra bucks for that extra life.

* A full discharge is always helpful.

Once in a while, discharging the entire battery is always helpful. It will let the battery know of its capability and it will definitely help in getting the battery back to its normal stage.

by Adi
Pic everfast

1 comment:

  1. This is the perfect list for anyone who is looking for numerous ways to maximize their laptop's performance and to keep their battery from draining drastically. Many companies are producing great laptops lately, and end up having a flawed battery that you must replace I have always pushed people to do many of these steps, and they have proven to be a minor precaution that produces the best effect. Sometimes the small things are what matter the most.
